I'm writing from a condo in Sacramento ... my wife and I brought the kids down here for a couple days, just to get away and spend some time with my parents ...
as a family, we need that time away ... pastor life gets crazy ... it never ends ... there's always something or someone grasping for our attention ... and it all seems so important and urgent ... and even though we enjoy living this call on our lives, my wife and I need that time alone ...
over the years, we have struggled and worked hard to find a healthy rhythm for our family and marriage ... time with God ... time with each other ... time with our children ... and at the same time, carrying the weight of a growing church community ...
a few years ago, my dad taught me something so profound ... my parents pastored a church for over 25 years ... my father spent most of his life leading and caring for and giving himself to this church community ... 5 years ago, my father resigned from this church to pursue a calling to encourage pastors ... 6 months after resigning, my father called the old church office to speak with one the pastors ... the secretary didn't even know his name ... even after pastoring a church for 25 years, they forget your name ...
the point ... there's nothing more important than family ... and even though God has called me to lead and encourage the Stirring community, I cannot serve my church at the cost of my wife and children ...
my first calling is to God and to my family ... and so, in 25 years, when everyone else forgets, at least they'll remember my name ...
The commitment that leading a church takes looks enormous from my ill informed point of view. The fact that you are able to maintain a marriage, be an effective parent, and fullfill all the obligations that being a pastor entails shows your devotion and selflessness. It is important to remember that no matter what you do, no matter how well you do it, and no matter how many times you do it, someone will always be new and improved. The latest verion..Pastor 2.0 if you will. Funny line from a Joe Walsh song "everybodys so different/I haven't changed". I have no doubt in my mine Nathan, that not only will you be remembered, you will be remembered by those who matter. The lives you touch, those you baptize, and most importantly, the man at the gate, if you please. Your name is unimportant. It's a way for us as a species to identify you, if we were whales, your name might well be, SQEEEEAAAAAAL BURBLE SQUUUAAAAAK BURBBBBBLE. Fact is Pastor, I believe it's your legacy thats important. Not many people know the inventors of their favorite products, but they enjoy the legacy of them. Your name is a way to remember your legacy, but at your kids prom or perhaps their weddings, I think you'll flash on the man who baptized them. More importantly, they will remember the lessons and love that you gave them. They will know that the job their Father had/has is not a regular job, it is a calling. However, his calling didn't affect your time with them. Your wife is lucky to have a man who realizes that family time is neccessary. Many a marriage has taken a fatal blow due to the "other" woman, work. I'm sure that in all these people, your name will be rememberd by those who matter. I've only spoken to you briefly, but I have listened to you weekly. Your intelligence and passion tends to hit, rather than caress. It's bold and inspiring, and occasionally, capable of making me madder'n a wet hen. But so does foxnews, but I digress. I've been enriched by knowing you...well, at least I know one thing about you...
Your name...Thank you Nathan. We, and I, Love you too. Peace to you and your family. As my neighbor said to me each morning for six years.
"May the peace of the All Mighty himself be upon your household, and may the blessed prophet intercede against those who would bring you harm"
Nate, that is awesome. Way to keep it in order! Your wife and kids will be so blessed because of it. And so will you!!! Yay Edwardsons!
" Don't ever choose sides against the family again!" - The Godfather
Wise words from a wise-guy!
I want your undivided attention! MEMMEMEMEMEEEE.
Jason: I think he's already "had an offer he couldn't refuse"...ok...I have a compulsion for movie quotes, somebody stop me
I love when a man realizes the importance of his wife and children. It's so rare these days.
Lisa B
Good for you, Nate. I wouldn't want a leader who put his wife and children aside for the masses. A strong marriage is the best gift you can give your children, and it is an awesome example for your church family too. Protect those relationships with your life!
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