Friday, February 27, 2009

quote of the day ...

A quote from one of my favorite books ... a great story about love and revenge ... if you've never read it, you're missing out ... go to Barnes and Noble and buy it tonight ... much better than the Americanized happy ending film ...

"Life is a storm my young friend, you will bask in the sunlight one moment be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into the storm as you shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst for I will do mine. Then the Fates will know you as we know you ... "

-The Count of Monte Cristo


Candace said...

I love that quote too. Except I first heard it on the movie. Oops. I tried to read the book but that's not really the right book to read for a "non-reader" like myself. I'm terrible about getting through a whole book. Maybe someday I'll read the whole thing. Is there an amercanized version of the book? ;)

kristyn miller said...

love the quote Nate. it's good to remember when i want to run away from the storm. i should be screaming, "bring it!" but i'm afraid to know what else can be hurled our way. hmmm. maybe i'll just try smiling.