Wednesday, November 19, 2008

starbucks in heaven?

i spend most of my life in Starbucks ...
reading books ...
writing in my journal ...
studying scripture ...
praying and thinking and dreaming ...
mentoring Jesus followers ...
meeting new people ...
drinking coffee (which I don't really like) ...
yesterday, I sampled the new Christmas blend ...
it all tastes the same to me ...
one question: will there be Starbucks in heaven? ...
coffee? ...
coffee shops? ...
starbucks double shot on ice? ...
I'm curious ...


--- Billy Brown said...

Yeah, they're there. They've established dominance of the Divine coffee market and right now own 40% of Heavenly commercial property (the other 60% is 31% Wal-Mart, 17% GAP, and 12% small business), and are wooing Michael to join the team as archangel of locations on Clouds 9 to 11. The most popular food items are (surprisingly) Devil's Food Cake and Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate.

In light of Starbucks Co.'s aggressive business strategies, the Trinity has been working towards restrictions to prevent any one company from owning more than half of Heaven at any given time, so if you're dead, be sure to vote "Yes" on prop. 667!

JUAN said...

Billy is like me..... only the respected version.

Unknown said...

There already is..."Heaven is not some far away place that maybe we'll get to if we don't cuss and we wear christian t-shirts..." I think I heard something like that once...

Cory Eighan said...

[insert witty creative answer here]

I wanted to be like the other guys' comments...

JUAN said...

of course there is Hell... but I'm not sure anyone knows of that place these days.... Maybe that's where Dutch Bros is...

Coffee is the Devils Juice...........too.

Josh H. said...

starbucks will be in heaven. actually, starbucks will have it's own heaven full of little spirit-baby coffee drinkers that will be sent down to good coffee drinking families when they want to procreate. and the angel nephi will guide them through the java field of their heaven and deliver their caffeinated little bodies into the wombs of the righteous.

JUAN said...


when you say Nephi.. you mean Moroni, right?